Every team has its own unique dynamics.
And every team faces challenges.
Most challenges are about communication, understanding diverse perspectives and learning how to work together effectively. Teams may also face challenges within the organization.
We partner with team leaders to assess the core issues and create plans that lead to better performance and better relationships.
Types of Team Development —
Team Alignment
Increase each team member’s self-awareness of his or her strengths & weaknesses, expectations of others and potential stress reactions when expectations aren’t met.
Explore the impact that diverse thinking and leadership styles have on relationships. Improve communication, evaluate the team’s brand and strategies, and learn how to best influence the rest of the organization.
New Leader Assimilation
We help new leaders become productive more quickly and limit adverse impact on team dynamics or the business.
Cross-Functional Collaboration
Increase understanding and awareness of each core business function and develop effective ways to collaborate on setting goals, applying metrics and managing conflict.
Cross-Cultural Integration
Teams from different nations & cultures can learn to communicate and collaborate productively. We use a combination of individual feedback & coaching, facilitated dialogue to strengthen key relationships, and interactive workshops to focus on issues of trust, conflict & normative behaviors.
Of coaching participants questioned in an academic research survey, 86% rated their coaching as “very effective.”
“Business impact of executive coaching: demonstrating monetary value,” by Vernita Parker-Wilkins
A coach can be instrumental in encouraging and inspiring, but ultimately, the changes must be embraced by the executive. ~Witherspoon & White